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Real Online Roulette - 3 Winning Tips That Work For Everyone Regardless of Experience Level

Real Online Roulette - 3 Winning Tips That Work For Everyone Regardless of Experience Level
Before you begin looking for that rock-solid profitable strategy, it is important to understand that there is no such thing as a fool-proof profitable strategy for online roulette. I know that people are looking for a real online roulette software that works. In this article we are going to talk about three simple strategies you help you when playing online.
1. Play in the European casino instead of American casino.
Playing roulette online in a European casino will afford you slightly better winning percentages. Their roulette wheels has only one zero slot and 37 other slots. Now in the American roulette online casino the wheel has an additional 00 slot and 38 other slots. The two extra slots does provide an advantage to the house.
2. Know your limits
In online roulette, you will get some bonuses. When you place your bets, it is important to understand the amount of money you can afford to lose. It may be $ 500 or it could be more. Now begin by betting 10% of your number. This will help you pace yourself. If you get to your number then that is the time to call it quits.
3. Double your stakes
Double your stakes when you lose. Doing this will act to cancel out any big losses. Now on the flip side when you win avoid betting big. Betting big when you win will eventually break your bank roll. Betting up after a loss is a popular strategy that will keep you in the game longer. There are other methods but these are complex and should not be used by beginners.